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"alternativer" Text (="alt"): 

1999_KALAHARI-BOTSWANA ... who is coming there, in the middle of the
KALAHRI ? ... a HANOMAG ... from merry OLD GERMANY ... my friend
Rolf-Otto Backes makes small talk_Jochen A. Hübener

2 Kurzfilme dazu von mir  bei YouTube:

07 FISH-RIVER-CANYON und KALAHARI per UNIMOG_1999-04 00.48 23.06.2008
08 KALAHARI, HWANGE, VICTORIA-FALLS, ETOSHA per UNIMOG 1999-05 01.11 23.06.2008

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'away with motorcycle, backpack and Unimog; through AFRICA and AMERICA and around the WORLD'